Live aquarium plants have a massive presence in the aquarium hobby today. Aquascaping, which is the craft of arranging aquatic plants, driftwood, and stones in a manner that looks naturally pleasing, has been increasing in popularity since the 1930's. Today, aquatic plants are sold, propagated, and used all over the globe, with good reason - Live aquarium plants, not only provide oxygen to your aquarium during the day but also absorb nitrogen compounds including nitrite and ammonia which are incredibly toxic to your aquarium inhabitants.
There are many benefits that come from having live aquatic plants in your aquarium and if you are here, is because you might be wanting to get into the aquascaping world.
Although there are many plants to choose from and some have high requirements, most people start with basic plants that don't need much attention.
Here are the top 10 Easiest aquarium plants for beginners:
Coming from the Island of Java, in Indonesia, this plant is by many regarded as the easiest plant there is. Its low light and co2 requirements makes this plant a perfect beginner plant. Java fern is dark green and has elongated pointy leaves. There are other types of java ferns like - Windelov, Narrow Leaf, and Trident - which can also be kept in a low-tech set up. Java Fern is a slow growing plant that will do best attached to any rock, driftwood, or any decoration piece as it does not draw nutrients from the substrate.
Also known as Coontail, Hornwort is found all over the world due to its amazing ability to adjust to different water parameters and conditions - Thus, being in our Top 10 Easiest Aquarium Plants for Beginners. It makes an incredible background plant as it will grow very tall and bushy. Hornwort is green in coloration and has pine needle like leaves covering both sides of the stem.
Echinodorus Amazonicus, commonly knows as Amazon Sword, is a stunning, elegant plant that will enrich any aquarium set up. Amazon Swords are great background plants that grow broad and elongated, bright green leaves. Native to North, Central, and South America, this amphibious plant will grow out of water if not pruned from time to time. Like many other swords, this one is a very hardy plant that will provide great shelter to any small aquarium inhabitants.

Water Wisteria or Hygrophila Difformis, as it is known in Latin, is a background plant native to Asia. This unique plant can grown up to 24" and is quite rewarding to see grow. Water Wisteria will develop beautiful broad, green, lace-like leaves that will leave you on your knees. Like the other plants on this list, Water Wisteria can tolerate many different water parameters and conditions. It can be easily propagated by simply cutting the stem and replanting it on the substrate

Anubias are one of the most common and readily available plants on this list. They are indigenous to Africa but are propagated in farms all across the world. Their low light demand and beauty makes this the number 1 favorite plant for beginners. There are many species of Anubias that you can select from, and great for starters. They have thick, green leaves and grow at a very slow pace. It is easily propagated by simply cutting the rhizome and attaching it to another surface.
Java Moss, also know as Bladder Moss, is a plant native to Southeast Asia and is the easiest moss to grow in the aquarium hobby. Java Moss is extremely hardy and therefore great for beginners as it doesn't require Co2 and will adjust to pretty much any range of water parameters. This is a plant that will grow best when attached to any aquarium surface, including - driftwood, rocks, and ornaments. Propagation is done by division - simply divide little pieces and attach them in different locations.
Also known as Brazilian Water Weed, Waterweed or Elodea, the Anacharis Plant is a stem, background plant that can grow up to 24". Although some people use it as a floating plant, they grow best when planted right in the substrate. They quickly develop new root systems when propagated which is done by cutting the stem in a desired height and placing the trims down in the substrate.

Dwarf Lily Plant or in Latin, Nymphaea Stellata, is an aquatic, water Lilly type plant native to India. This plant is a great beginner red plant that does not need co2 or high lighting to reveal its best coloration. Most Water Lilies will send its leaves all the way to the top of your aquarium where they will keep growing and float on the surface. If you would like to achieve a bush like growth, you will need to clip it every once in a while. By doing so, you will promote faster growth from the center of the bulb. Dwarf Lilies will grow big, triangular red-bronze leaves. This plant is propagated through shoots. Once the new growth starts to develop some roots, it can be cut off the main bulb and replanted.
9. Bacopa
Bacopa Caroliniana, also known as Monnieri Moneywort, is a mid-ground/background plant native to North and Central America. When grown completely submersed, this plant develops broad, spade like leaves that are mostly green but can achieve a lilac coloration if the right parameters are met. It is a plant with minimal light and parameter requirements thus, making it to our top 10.
The last, but not least on our list is the Ludwigia Ovalis. This amazing plant, with a rapid growth rate, is the second red plant featured here. Not all red plants have high requirements - the ludwigia ovalis is a great beginner red plant that can be used in you aquarium's midground creating a great focal point. They are very hardy, especially when compared with other red plants.