3 Pumpkin Bumblebee Nerite Snails (Clithon sowerianum)

Sale price$18.99


Naturally from Asia, these Nerite Snails are some of the hardest to find in the aquarium hobby. They are easy to breed in captivity but their eggs will only hatch in brackish water, so you don't have to worry about them breeding in your aquarium. Nerite snails are extremely hardy and live in a vast variety of water parameters. Red Pumpkin Nerite Snails have an amazing shell color which can vary - from red and pink with unique white dots/scribbles, to orange/yellowish with dark stripes. They are very good scavengers that will dig under the gravel, if needed, to get that extra algae meal.

  • Great for planted tanks;
  • Will not breed in freshwater;
  • Active - Nerites are at work 24/7;
  • Safe for plants and any other aquarium inhabitants;;
  • The BEST at eating algae.
Nerite Snails eat a big variety of foods such as: 
  • Algae
  • Invertebrate Pellets
  • Decaying Plant Matter
  • Zucchini 
Care for them:
  • Tank size(Minimum): 10 Gal
  • Care: Very Easy
  • Temperature: 72-82
  • PH: 6.8-8.4
  • GH: 6-8
  • KH: 2-12
  • Lifespan: up to 4 Years


It is possible that some snails have some shell defects from their wild encounters.

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
They're small

My fault. I knew they would be small, just not that small. I have 2 assain snails. They thought these were a treat. I should have thought ahead. They were nice looking snails.

Joanne Sabotta
Very cute

They are so pretty as far as snails go! They are small yet but going all over the tank. Very happy with all that I got. Never had a bad order

Arya Hosseinian
So far so good

I've been in the hobby for many years and have talked to a few store managers and businesses online to figure out why their snails are always in such bad condition. Usually I pay for next day shipping and still, the snails arrive looking extremely stressed and weak. But the snails from Aquatic Motiv usually arrive moving, antennas out, and mouth is working (which I think means they have an appetite). No DOAs, and besides once I've never had a snail die shortly after arrival.

In several cases, I have even taken a snail out of the acclimation container and held them against the glass for a couple seconds and they literally grab the glass immediately and pull themselves away from me. Fearless, spunky, and hungry.

They DO appear to be well fasted (little poop in bag/acclimation container etc) so after a day of eating biofilm in their new tank I add food for them.

These snails in particular have nice patterns, are unique, and I don't usually see them more than a centimeter above the water line. But the tank has a pretty tight lid so perhaps they'd have climbed out at night if it didn't. Since they stay small they can clean up small plant tanks really well without wanting to climb out (bigger nerites attempt to escape small tanks as they would a small puddle separated from the main body of water).

Marcie Donnelly
Beautiful snails!

Their snails are always healthy and beautiful!

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