Tissue Culture plants are created in Labs specialized to propagate aquarium plants. Tissue Culture Plants are 100% pest snail free and algae free.
Staurogyne Repens, also known as Creeping Staurogyne, is a foreground plant that originates from South America. It is quite common in the aquarium hobby and if grown under the right conditions it creates a very nice and compact carpet or bush. Staurogyne repens is a slow growing plant and benefits immensely from moderate to high lighting and co2. As well as liquid fertilizers.
Provides great shelter for shrimp and small bottom feeders.
Care :
- Tank size(Minimum): 10 Gal
- Care: Easy
- Temperature: 74-82
- PH: 6.5-7.6
- Max Size: 2"
- CO2: Not required
- Lighting: Moderate
Tissue Culture Cup size: 3" Diameter
DISCLAIMER: It is the buyer's responsibility to know what plants are allowed/legal to keep in his/her state. Before purchasing do some research and make sure you are allowed to keep this particular plant species. You should always follow your State's laws regarding keeping live aquatic plants.
Do NOT release any plants into the wild.